Friday, April 29, 2011

The true benefits of drinking fresh raw juice from fruits & veggies by Juiceman Chan

The human body is dependent on the quality of food and no less its compatibility with the needs of the body. If we do not eat, we die. Also, if we do not eat the kind of food, which will properly nourish the body, we not only die prematurely, but we suffer in the process. Our bodies produce one billion cells every hour--24 billion every day. To produce new cells and to maintain normal function in those cells, our bodies need to be supplied daily with the same elements with which they are composed. People have only recently awakened to this realization.

The body is continually producing acid in many forms. Acidic waste is being produced in every one of the one hundred trillion cells in our body. Acid-forming foods, such as protein, (especially animal protein, grains, coffee, alcohol, cooked and pasteurized, canned, refined foods, etc.), as well as acids of fermentation from undigested meals, petro-chemical residues from pesticides, chemical fertilizers, growth hormones, etc., all contribute to an acidic condition.

The enzymes that power our cells have a narrow pH (acid/base balance) in which they will be able to perform at optimum efficiency. When the pH is too acidic, the enzymes are not able to act as catalysts for chemical reactions to take place. The only way our bodies get alkaline minerals is through fresh raw fruit and vegetables. These alkaline minerals will balance or buffer the acids in the body and keep the enzymes happy and functioning well.
Recent research has shown that cancer cells can grow rapidly in an acidic environment, while an alkaline condition prohibits the growth of cancer cells in the human body. Therefore, to combat or to prevent cancer cells, it is imperative that we change our body PH from acidic to alkaline. Fresh raw fruit & vegetable juice is probably the most efficient and simple, yet delicious way to help achieve that.

The rays of the sun send billions of atoms into plant life, activating the enzymes and by this force they change inorganic elements into organic or life-containing elements for food.
The multitudes of people that have lived on, and are living on, primarily cooked foods, are in a state of decadence, confirmed by the toxic condition of their bodies. This is why we have such overcrowding of hospitals and why the astronomical amounts of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids, laxatives, etc., are sold annually; and why we have such a high incidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, emphysema, senility and premature deaths.

- Fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system.
- Vegetable juices are the builders and regenerators of the body.
- The juice is absorbed into the blood stream, much like an I.V., with no work of digestion.

Considering the facts of the above, no other foods or medicine in the world can assume the tasks of cleansing and rejuvenating the human body as simply, effectively, and efficiently. There is one side effect however on consuming fresh raw juices: frequent bowel movement! Three to four times a day is very common.

*** Very important:
The consumption of fruits either in solid or liquid form is best on an empty stomach, or, before meals. The reason is that fruits contain simple sugars which require no digestion. Thus they will not stay in our stomachs for long before being excreted. Other foods which are rich in fats, protein & starch require much longer time to digest thus staying in our stomachs much longer. Therefore, by consuming fruits after a meal, the fruit sugar will stay together with other foods inside our bodies far too long, causing fermentation and digestive problems.

Happy juicing!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toastmasters conference in Taipei

Needing desperately to find people to speak English with, I found and joined the local Toastmasters club here in Hualien a couple of months ago. Immediately, I was asked to help improve the quality of English, and I am glad to be of help. This weekend, our club president and I and a few others attended the spring conference in Taipei.

The quality of the speeches were excellent, and even for some non native English speakers, the contents and delivery were amazing.

There was a show after dinner and it was also very good. Most of them featured members of different clubs in Taiwan.

This is the first time that I have the opportunity to visit Taipei since moving to Taiwan. Most other times I was passing thru on the way to the airport, catching a plane to HK. It is not too different than what I experienced twenty years ago, but Taipei is definitely cleaner and more civilized.

Taipei 101 is certainly impressive, and the area it is in is not crowded as I would have expected. Nothing like HK of course. In fact, Taipei resembles an American city in some ways.....

It was a beautiful day with sunny sky, and temperature around 30C. One thing I did noticed is the women. Generally speaking, Taiwanese women are prettier than HK women, much easier on the eyes IMHO. Why is that? I cannot tell you. That just the way it is.

Women in Taipei are more cosmopolitan, nicely dressed and stylish. Women in Hualien are more down to earth, with slightly darker and healthier complexion. That is the difference between city and country living I guess.

It was an eye opener for me, and I am inspired and motivated to return to our home club, to help the club members to become more proficient in the English language. Toastmasters International has just reached mainland China recently, and clubs are springing up like bamboos everywhere. However, the clubs are underground as the Chinese government has not given permits for such clubs yet. There is a conference in Xiamen in May, and I'm thinking of going......

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jimmy in Hualien & Michael in Dongguan

Jimmy came to visit us in Hualien and stayed with us.

Then we left for Dongguan together, and visited Michael who has a factory there.

Went to a seafood restaurant, and what a place it was. China is amazing in many ways by sheer numbers!

Tennis buddies

Its been a year since I began playing tennis socially at the Hualien tennis club, and I have made good progress at making new friends with the local players.

I was invited to a group dinner after the games, and what a feast it was!

I was also invited to be a member of their tennis team, participating in tournaments and social events.