Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Summer of 2014

Again, this summer I went home to Victoria to see mom and family, and friends. Frankie has summer school in Hualien and therefore, stayed behind with Rebecca. Mom is now 85 but with medications, she is actually holding up quite well. She even cooks and makes soups for me!
Secret Asian men was back in Chinatown this summer jamming, and good to see all band members healthy and in good spirits.
Boys at Beacon hill are hitting those yellow balls fast and hard. Had a few singles with Henry and I finally have the upper hand. Weight training does pay off, adding more power to my game.
I stopped in HK and flew to Chengdu to stay with an old friend and saw a different part of China. Boy, do they love playing mah jong or what! It is everywhere.
Here are some pictures and videos I shot: