Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I miss about Victoria

There are a few things which I miss very much of Victoria.
Courteous and law abiding drivers - I have to learn how to drive all over again in Taiwan. Its not that people here are bad drivers, in fact, they are excellent drivers. But they do not have patience and they will go around you if you are slow to turn. And scooters simply ignore cars and car drivers must watch and yield for them. I'm getting used to it....At first it seems like chaos, but after a while, it becomes clear to me that everyone is in control, and logically speaking, there is no chaos in a controlled environment....
Maple syrup - wished I shipped a case of the God's nectar. I found a store here, but a tiny bottle sells for $15 Cdn.....
Golfing buddies - I miss you guys all.
My mom - knowing how lonely she is.
Tuesday nites - when the secret Asian men played music in Chinatown. I wished I could have come up with this name sooner, would have put some life into the band so that the guys will continue playing without me. I feel guilty being the one breaking up the band. I know now how Yoko Ono must have felt after being accused of being responsible for the break up of the Beatles.....
Here is one for old time sake.....


  1. Wow Jack, it sounds like you're really home sick. We all miss you so much! I'm sure in time you'll get used to Taiwan and will make lots of friends or maybe start or join a band there. Wish you were coming back to Jessica's wedding though. I read your blog religiously almost everyday.

    Take care and look forward to reading more of your exciting life in Taiwan!!

  2. Brie,

    Not homesick, just greedy and want to have it all. Also, change is good. Its too bad that the travel time between Asia and Canada is so damn long. That is one reason why I moved to Taiwan, so that we have access to other Asian cities within shouting distance. I'll miss the wedding unfortunately...Call mom often if you can.
