Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hot August night....

Well, in Victoria, it has been anything but hot. Temp is around 12C mornings and nights, and snuggles up to around 20C in mid day. Its bloody freezing!!!
So, how the hell does one keep warm? Before you start thinking what I am thinking, think again!
Working out. Yes, going to the gym every morning keeps my circulation going, and sweat a little also; especially when there is a hot blond who is your work out partner........
Golf is a game not a sport, but its fun when playing with old friends....I played four games this summer and that was great. Even had a game at GV with Gary Hayes and Ray Rombough who are 70 & 78 respectively.

It was sushi dinner after the games, and boy did we stuff ourselves. We ate so much fish that we could easily smell like one! Thank God for wasabi and ginger......

One of the highlights of summer in Victoria is getting together with the boys for some night music. We can still play very well together even we don't practise anymore.....like riding a bike!

Dinner at Ming's with the boys......

Lunch with Frank & Hill......Frank is 91 and still chasing tennis balls and Hill is 86 and still chasing women!
One guy is smarter than the other obviously.

Lunch with the Patterson's.

tennis ladies at Beacon Hill.

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