Thursday, March 25, 2010

Food as medicine 山藥--瘦身好幫手

Chinese medicine is more about prevention than cure, and many food items are actually medicine. Here in Taiwan, we are blessed with rich soil, warm climate, plenty of sunshine and moisture, which all combine to provide an ideal growing environment, all year round. When I go to the local markets, I often come across things I am not familiar with. One of those things is 山藥, a traditional Chinese herb medicine which I have seen in dried form, but never fresh....
山藥 is a root vegetable, which resembles somewhat like a potato. The one on the left is imported from mainland China, while the one on the right is a local Taiwanese grown. It so happens it looks exactly like the island of Taiwan.
After some research, here are some of the medicinal value: 山藥可健脾胃, 補虛贏, 益腎氣, 止瀉痢, 強筋骨, 化痰涎, 潤皮毛, 除寒熱邪氣久服耳聰目明, 輕身不饑延年.
一般人熟悉的山藥, 經過研究, 效用有抗菌, 抗氧化, 抑制癌細胞, 調節生殖系統, 曾強免疫力. 蔡新聲表示, 山藥完全沒有毒性, 可當成三餐主食, 而不像馬鈴薯, 芋頭會令人發胖.

Now that my focus is on health, I continue to search for foods which are nutritional and have medicinal values, instead of just loading up with fats and carbs.

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