Well folks, we survived the summer tropical heat of Asia! During July and August, the day time temperature averaged about 35c, with highs over 40c some days. This week, I have noticed a sharp change as day time temp drops to about 30c, with a cool breeze off the ocean, it is absolutely perfect. In fact, we have the windows open and the air con off all day. We finally received our electricity bill, and for the first two months, it is almost $500Cdn. I was actually expecting more, because we have our air con on in all rooms 24/7. This compares with our hydro bill in Canada for the two coldest months of Jan/Feb.
Frankie is enjoying the new challenge at school, and spends about two hours doing homework after school everyday. Therefore, she is fully occupied during the week and never complained being bored like she did in Canada.
Typically, she rises at 7am, has breakfast, and arrives at school at 8am.
School is out at 4pm, and she spends the next two hours doing homework.
Then we have supper at home, and then a shower.
She is then free by 7pm, and we have some quality time together.
Bed time is 9pm, and she sleeps like a log for ten straight hours.
On the weekends, we do some sightseeing and search for new places to visit. She also has play dates with her friends.
We are establishing a routine and life is good so far.
There are a few things which I really like about life in Hualien.
Smoke free - like Canada, smoking is banned in all indoors, and people actually obey the signs! Not like in China where people really don't give a damn. Overall, people smoke less here as I hardly smell any smoke everywhere we go.
Easy access - to food & shopping, to tennis, to golf, and to many parks. We live in Mei-lun, which is a hill top residential area at the center of Hualien, within minutes to downtown, ocean, and mountains.
Casual and carefree living - the clothes we packed from Canada sit in the boxes, as the only things I need are: T shirts, shorts, sandals, and hats.
Friendly folks - people in Hualien are very down to earth and pleasant. Unlike most Asian cities, people here greet one another with smiles, even if they are strangers. Everywhere I go, I hear: Jiao an, ni hau, fuan yin gwong lin......
Massages - awesome body rub downs, including shampoos, facials, reflexology, and total body care, for a fraction what it costs in Canada.
Food - need I say more? Variety, quality and price. Outstanding.
Gotta go, trying a wonton noodle shop for lunch today........
There you have it. My daily routine is either tennis or golf in the morning, followed by lunch with wife at noon, at a different restaurant everyday. Then I take a short nap after lunch, and then a visit to either a barber shop for a shampoo and shave, or an appointment with a masseuse.....evening at home with the family, and we usually eat at home on school nites, and out with friends on weekends.