Thursday, May 6, 2010

Faces of Herbalife

On the left of the picture is Joe Loang, a 42 year old retired army officer. He retired early due to health reasons. He could hardly walk because his knees were so painful, from excess build up of uric acid. Since using Herbalife two months ago, his condition has steadily improved, now walking freely.
Fellow in glasses is Mr Chau.
He has been using Herablife for two years. He is now 78, but age analysis is 52. His bloodwork is now all normal, but not so two years ago when his cholesterol was sky high, matching his blood pressure, body fat, blood sugar, etc etc.....

At 78, Mr Chau has more hair than I do, and mostly black. He goes dancing every morning, and travels often when he is not at his eatery which is one of the oldest "xiao loang bow" shops in Hualien. This guy is only two years younger than my mom!!

And here is Frankie. I also started feeding Frankie the same nutritious breakfast on top of what she normally eats to ensure she has the proper nutrition everyday. Hopefully this will help rid her of her allergies and skin irritations.

And here is a sweaty guy after his daily morning hike and run. Currently my weight is down to 165 lbs, a loss of 36 lbs so far since Christmas. Four more pounds to go and my goal is achieved. I was hoping to do that before going to Victoria for the summer, and looks very promising right now. Next week, I will have my bloodwork, and that will be the moment of truth.

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